Variations in the visions of the Kurds about American strikes
- Abdul kareem Omar: Back to Geneva
- Gadaan Ali: Modern Weapon Tests
- Husseini: Undermining the regime's weapon.
Bercav: Rana Omer-Erbil
Kurdish visions of the recent strike on some military and scientific sites and installations in Syria varied by the parties and the Kurdish forces and events there are those who saw that the strike constitutes aggression and there is silence and remains without a stand and there is a hand step.
The Kurdish dispersion was as clear as all the stations, which left a great influence on the vision of the Kurdish scene in general. We are following to see the Kurdish situation that is slipping toward more cracks by saying that the Kurds did not agree on the level of challenges nationally
Indeed, the Kurdish reading of the results of the American strike, and what was to be done and did not do, raised questions in the communal-political bottom.
Dr. Abdul kareem Omer has been brought in as much as the Kurds from the internationally prohibited weapon and has criticized in-mystical international telescopes in the challenges he said, "In fact, we the Kurds also suffered from the crime of using chemical weapons against our people in both Halabja and Afrin without moving this society International.
Omar, who is the joint head of the alJzeer's region Foreign Relations Authority, has demanded that the international community hold accountable all those who use these weapons. Prohibited by international instruments and treaties, and take all measures and actions required to prevent it from being used again. "
Omar, who represents the diplomatic face of the AlJazeer administration, believes that the aim of the strike is a political message before it is military, and said that "military strike the triple against the regime, and after a week of U.S. threats, it was carried out after US-Russian understandings on more than one file and it was a political message. To more than one party a military strike. "
"The basic message was from the three countries of America, Britain, France and their allies to Russia and its allies that they are on the ground and must be taken their interests, national security and the national security of their allies," added Omar, "The Russians, Iran and Turkey cannot be singled out for the solution. The political in Syria through the agreements of Astana and Sochi, it can also provide the appropriate and common ground strike to return to the peace agreements in accordance with the Geneva track
This blow will have repercussions on the overall situation in Syria, on the overall political process and on existing political alliances especially between Turkey and Russia, the features of these transformations will be revealed in the coming days. "(According to Dr. Abdul Kareem Omar).
While they did not share the response to the question of "Bercav" Abdul kareem Omar, I think the aim of the strike is to test the modern weapon
Ali, the representative of the reform movement and the rotating President of the representatives of the Kurdish National Council of Erbil, believe that "the French-British American strike The purpose of these letters is to test the modern weapon and to ascertain its effectiveness, accuracy and intelligence in injuring the target set without causing any bodily harm To the civilians and then to the Russians and its President Putin that when America decides it will not be deterred by the veto in the Security Council, it can secure a strong alliance and achieve its purposes outside the Security Council and determining the time and place of the right "and he continued, that the object of the strike is a message to the whole world that America is the force The striking when necessary and the need for its national security and a message to the rogue Iran that we are for you to be lookout when you get out of the required obedience American and Israeli we will not allow the success of your expansionist designs in Syria now and another message to the re3gime that you are a regime under the big charges and the constraint of accounting when we decide and execute without Pay heed to the countries supporting you Russia and Iran and the other letter of Turkey that you are a member of NATO and your natural alliance according to our mutual interests and our protection and direction in the region not with Russia and Iran
"It is noticeable that Turkey is moving away from Russian and Iranian reading about the strike, and this situation may cause a disconnection between them and more space," said Ali. and another message to the opposition that we are not changing and dropping the regime but weakening it and limiting its strength and its feeling of victory and forcing it to accept negotiation To begin with the search for ways to re-energize Geneva negotiating rounds, for example, under the aegis of the United Nations. "
"The Kurds, as the rest of the Syrians in all its components, have no role in determining the path and future solutions coming from the international community and the countries that are directly involved and involved in Syria the main concern of the Kurds is that there is no understanding and a Kurdish agreement on national speech and a Kurdish paper that defines the Kurdish requirement In new Syria with a new constitution that guarantees the rights of national Kurds with clear and specific texts as the rest of the Syrian people. "
He blamed the Democratic Union and said, "At this point I hold the full responsibility of the PYD party, its hegemony and its uniqueness in the fate of the Kurds in Syria where its reckless behavior and cruelty dealing with the political movement especially the Kurdish National Council and its attempt to stifle and end the political situation and spread the ideology His party's philosophy is under the banner of the Trans-democratic nation of continents and the Brotherhood of peoples devoid of any Kurdish national project, making the future of the Kurds in the future Syria is in serious danger and increases the division, dispersion and spacing of the Kurdish street and its political movement. " .
The writer Abdul Baqi Husseini said that the American strike or the triple strike by America, France and Britain on military installations to the regime of Bashar al-Assad was a must, these states set out the principle of international security and the non-use of internationally prohibited weapons and of them. Chemical in any country of the world (Husseini said).
Husseini, a resident of Oslo, said the three countries have come to believe that the Russian veto has always been on the lookout for Syria and its regime in the UN Security Council. "These countries have no choice but to override the Russian veto and make the western decision in such cases," he said. The main purpose of the strike was to undermine the chemical weapon of Damascus, a disciplinary blow to the regime and Russia together, to curb the use of chemical against its citizens again ".
According to Husseini, a Kurdish scholar and political follower, "the Kurds in this case have no power, and the event is too big to hear the Kurdish voice."
Husseini noted that the division of the Kurds on the axes in Syria left them without a common position, "with regard to the Kurd's attitude towards the event... The section against the Damascus regime and the "ANX" was with the strike, but the parties close to the regime are against the strike or are neutral as they deal at the same time with the Americans.
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