Concerns about the family disintegration of refugees
Mahmoud Dali
Concerns about the family disintegration of refugees
One hears as he follows the news of the refugees in Europe, an exciting and bizarre story, which is surprising at first. But when they go into their details, their conditions and circumstances find the result to be normal compared to the circumstances surrounding them, whether socially the economic situation has changed and there are legal developments affecting the personal and family life of the refugee......
There are many cases of divorce and family disintegration that have occurred. Maybe it wouldn't have been if the current environment did not differ from the environment in which that family association originated
Just as several crimes committed by refugees against some members of their families and the fact that women are the victims, it may not have been possible for them to find their way to emerge if the social environment does not differ
Many difficulties in the refugee route in Europe in all respects (social-economic and legal)... Several categories have dealt with the new reality in different ways, including:
1. Many families are running smoothly and are following up on emergency developments based on family cohesion, social awareness and coping with reality the new without being taken from the social reality that was founded on it to create a sort of balance between the former and current social reality and there must be some The difficulties faced by these people and the proportion of this group are predominant among the refugees
2. Another group which is very few chose the path of voluntary and direct integration and made its way in the new society and the majority of its former society which is often without health-care providers that lead some of their members to social abnormality, isolation and self-reliance, which adversely affect the family as a whole. It lies in the contradiction between the social values on which it was founded and the foundations of the new society. Often, the social customs and values of the European Community are often unknown and erratic.
3. There is some stumbling-flops in finding effective means of reconciling what has been done and what is new, leading to the creation of family problems that have taken place between the spouses and end up in divorce. (Or, unfortunately, the murder of the wife) This category is also small in comparison with the massive numbers of refugees.
With a simple approach between divorces and family disintegration, one has many commonalities in the reasons and motives that led to the arrival of those families in the situation they are... From these reasons I am convinced and the data I have obtained are
The impact of a different vision about the family bond among the European Community, which is seen as a consensus of personal inclination, opinion and conviction and can be easily and readily terminated when the obstacles arise... The Eastern Society, which is seen as a sacred and sustainable link and a social and obligatory situation, must be preserved in any form.
2. Men continue to deal with their families and in particular with women with a patriarchal mindset without taking into account the new realities and opinions of family members. The attempt by women to be emancipating from male power after the conditions have been created and in many cases are in an unhealthy reaction, resulting in the actions of the two together have serious consequences that adversely affect the rest of the family.
3. Lack of social and economic constraints and constraints and the possibility of redressing or mitigating the negative effects on children. And simplify it with examples... In our society and when family problems arise the couple takes the social reality and the opinions of the parents
3. The fear that children may be displaced, lost or fall at the mercy of the wife of the August (by the wife) is considered so that they are not allowed to divorce unless it is impossible to reform the same. They are also fearful of the negative opinion of the social environment, and women find themselves in need of men's spending on them, which leads them to bear lay down to herself and bow to the power of the man and find himself the last master of Attitude and order in his home.. But here in the European Community, those impediments prevent any fear for children from homelessness and loss, with no material need for men in the wife and social restrictions, which would lead them to resort to divorce as a solution to their problems.
4. In all cases, families who have been built on solid foundations of understanding and have a social consciousness that sustains themselves from disintegration... Families that have previously experienced problems, lack of understanding and dysfunctional family cohesion end up either to divorce, to break up or to remedy and to devise viable solutions to their situation.
5. But if we take the percentage of divorces and family disintegration that have occurred and get among the refugees for their numbers and compare them with the cases of divorce in our society we find their percentages to be close and to help that frightening terrifying ratio but it is very natural and does not threaten family and social disintegration.
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